
Thursday, April 2, 2015

My Declaration (Full of Independence)

So, lately I've been thinking.

I was thinking that maybe what I know is not truly what I know.
Something within me was not in full agreement with what I found to be true.
I knew that my God was good, I had seen and experienced it, I believed it; but could this good God love me with an unrelenting love... love me, an un-put-together, exuberant at times, overapologizing, broken, wordy, fault-full one who makes messes often?

The truth is, YES, He does.
He loves me.
And I know that full well, but... do I truly know this and believe it with all of my heart?
I found that I didn't think I could fully accept it. I just wasn't at that point.

Then I thought up a solution...
a declaration...
what if, for thirty days, about a month, I declared the truth once a day, every day over myself?
Declared, not just read or restated, not regurgitated, not mumbled nor read with habitual motion; but shouted out, read with great joy, spoken with gusto, spoken so my two ears could hear from an insecure set of lips the words that my mind needs to remember, delivered with a confidence and passion that wells within, given by the Holy Spirit with a strength that comes from above...

That is what I have set out to do.

I challenge myself and others to make a declaration full of independence... to break free from the lies declared by the enemy, to stop the recording played over and over throughout the day, to find joy in recognizing who we truly are in Christ Jesus... who He has created us to be, the person and people that He has seen all along in His precious children. Let's gain a new set of eyes, a fresh perspective on the world. Let us draw near and draw near to one another as we delight in His delighted.

Here is my declaration, derived from the truth I wrote to dispell lies I recognized I was starting to believe about myself:

First and foremost--
I am loved.

I am never alone. Nothing can EVER separate me from His mighty love.
He will never leave me. God has blessed me with amazing friends who have already seen me through a lot, should I ever need someone He will be there and, just as before, He can send people into my life who will help to carry the burden.

Jesus took it all for me. I need not worry about rejection or abandonment. He is the great high priest that experienced it all for me. Should the world reject me, count it all joy... it shall be for Christ's sake and for His glory.

I am accepted in the beloved.

I AM fearfully and wonderfully made.
There is no one like me and there never will be.
No one else can love God like I love Him.
I was made unique in His heart.
He takes great joy in the way that I uniquely worship Him.

I am a child of God. I was adopted into His family, now a part of His glorious kingdom.
I am part of a wonderful family of believers.
I am His beloved princess in whom He takes great delight.
I am not too much!
I am just enough,
perfect in the way that He made me.
He created me with joy.
He took great care and delight throughout the process of creating me.
He thought of me long before I was born and He thinks of me constantly to this day.
I am loved.
I am Sarah King, a daughter of the King. My Abba is proud of me!
He loves me not for what I do, nor what I have done, but for who I am, not who I will become.
He loves me now, with a love that will not change.
There is not one thing that I can do to make Him love me more, nor is there one thing that I can do to make Him love me any less.
He loves me, because... He loves me.

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