
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Children of Light

There is just so much to say... Where do I begin?

This weekend was one of the best. I got to hear from women from all different walks in life and ones that were serving in all different areas and places.

It's so crazy how God asks us all for a "Yes" but what that "yes" looks like for each person could be very different from another person's "yes". I also find it interesting how life seems to unfold. It is often synchronous with the way that God and his attributes are revealed. I discover so much about God through the circumstances and situations that happen in my life and through reliance upon Him.

I don't feel "inspired" right now to write, but I wanted to take this time to reflect because so much has happened. God has been so good. I found a job and a place to stay. I didn't get to the point of anxiety about those things because I had learned that God has always taken care of me and that worrying would not add anything or be beneficial, as it says in Matthew 6.

It's one thing to hear scripture, it's another to finally understand it.

I heard so many awesome testimonies this weekend.
They reminded me that God destined us each for greatness. It got me excited. And as we sang an inspired chorus, passion began to well up within me.

"Light wins over darkness... every time... every time!"

What had I worried myself about so many times?

I thought that the plans that God had for me required some great sacrifice and hardship...
While, yes, it may involve great sacrifice and hardship; there is a beauty to it.
I remembered my Jesus: how he gave everything for us at the cross.
God had everything under control.
He knew that He had to give His only son to bring us eternal life.
The enemy, Satan, thought that he had my Jesus defeated as He died on the cross.
Yet, little did he know, Jesus would rise again and take His place on the throne.
Light wins, always.

So, as I think about the things that may happen with trials and hardship, I remember that there is nothing to fear. There is nothing to worry about. My Jesus has victory.

Light wins... 
every time.

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