
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Drenched in Your Love.

Oh, how I've missed you, Lord!

The thought that you are proud of me still seems foreign,
But I await the day with eager expectation that this comforting truth begins to seep in...
Let Your uncontrollable love wash over me.

I know this is what You have waited for,
The explosion of a million passions inside my heart.
I was meant for more,
More than comfortable living,
More than just getting by.
You created me with purpose,
With care,
With passion.
In a process of intricate and thoughtful invention
You knit me together in my mother's womb.

This very breath that I take,
Everything that I have comes from You,
Flows through me in a loving exchange,
I owe it all to You.

Your love
Is more than enough...
More than the endless stretch of the emerald sea.

I just want to thank you for a freedom from the cares of this world. I thank you for Your comfort, for revealing things to me in Your perfect timing; for continually healing, redeeming, restoring and making me new. You have melted away my fear and insecurities with Your love. I believe that You are perfect love; Lord, in You there is no darkness. You cast out the darkness with Your light and enable me to live with power, love, and sound mind. I love that I am secured in You. Jesus, thank you that You have always protected me from harm. Jesus, You are all I need, forever.

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