
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jesus, You are to me...

Some time, a long time ago, I wrote out an expression of who Jesus was to me:

"How do I describe who and what You are to me?When I think about how truly beautiful You are my heart skips for joy.You are the joy radiating from my smile,the very rays of the sun,Light of the world, You arethat blanket holding me secure,an overwhelming peace,the wind gently brushing my face,Prince of Peace,You arethe constant beat of my heartevery breath that I takethe living water that sustainsLife,You are..." (http://serenadesunderstars.blogspot.com/2011/10/everything-you-are-to-me.html)And now I find myself reevaluating and processing the knowledge I have gained over those years.In a discussion about Jesus, I discovered that I was looking back on at least 19 years of a relationship with Christ and asking, "how do I know He's real?"Sure enough, I found the speaker spilling out my heart in a video. Somewhere across the world, in the crowded city of London, somebody had experienced the same Jesus that I knew.I think it's funny how something that seems so subjective, or that is looked at as subjective, is not as subjective as it seems. There is a real tangible Truth, my God is real... and He touches the lives of so many people everyday. It may be in different ways, for He is an infinite God; yet, He is the same person, through and through. As I look back at the poem, I can say that Jesus is all of that and more to me... He is the anchor that holds me steady,the one who beckons me gently into His presence,the power that tore the veil,He was and is and always will bethe one who wipes my tearswho holds my hearta comfort to the hopeless,He was and is and always will bethe one I can talk to,no matter what the circumstance,the closest friend one could ask for,He was and is and always will be,the only one who can calm the fear that wells up inside of me,He speaks with such authority,Wonderous Sovereign of the SeaHe was and is and always will be.

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