
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A psalm of desperation

Lord, I feel so weak. I’m stumbling over words, I keep making mistakes, I feel I can’t stop crying. I tried to be open, to be transparent with humility and I feel like I am being crushed. I don’t feel like any one understands. And it’s true. No one understands me like you do.

I just want to be completely healed. I want to experience this life I’m living to the fullest. God, I don’t understand why I have to go through this. I went through a lot already and I just want this part to end.

I want to be able to be full of you, to the brim. I want to be able to function at normal speed, to be able to think without feeling like my thoughts are jumbled or backed up in my head. I want to be able to be full of excitement and no hesitations... with nothing holding me back, not lethargy, not fear, not side effects. 

I see that You have brought me far. And, my God, You have never failed. It was always at the time and the moment that I could not see Your hands holding me. But now I see, You were there with me. 

You welcomed me with open arms when I was full of fear and had been running for days. 

You gave me wisdom when my enemies tried to mislead me and destroy my heart.

You comforted me in times of doubting and in feelings of rejection.

You sent friends my way that could cheer me up and tell me that they were in it with me until the end.

You gave me beauty for ashes and joy for my mourning. I prayed that the doors of my past would shut; and, as long as I held Your hand, we walked through open doors.

Now I feel as though I'm turning to the closed doors again... returning to sit in the prison that I was freed from.

Yet, I remember Your words and I hear You calling me to freedom. 

"The door stands open. I see you dancing. Take my hand, I'll lead you through."

God, I want to dance with you!

Lead me to your streams overflowing, cool and refreshing and the green pastures where I may feed and rest in Your presence. 

Oh, how I need You, Lord.


  1. Dear Sarah,

    I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time. Life is not easy and there are times when our troubles seem to be completely overwhelming us. Jesus experienced that, too, on the cross when the guilt and penalty for all our sins was closing in on Him. That's why He prayed Psalm 22: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

    You had a wonderful insight when you wrote that no one understands you like He does. That is correct. What's even better is that He not only understands, but unlike your other friends, He has the power to save You from all your troubles. Now that's Good News!

    Jesus' Holy Spirit remains with Christians always whether or not we feel or sense his presence (as you mentioned above). So being a Spirit-filled Christian does not necessarily mean we'll always feel like dancing or full of ecstasy. (Jesus was full of the Spirit and yet in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the Cross, He certainly didn't feel exuberantly happy.) Being Spirit-filled means that He will gradually, little by little make us over into the image of Jesus and by faith and through His Word build into us joy, peace, patience, self-control - all those wonderful fruits of the Spirit. And as we wait patiently for this, we can rest assured of God's love for and acceptance of us because by faith, we possess the perfect righteousness of Jesus and are freed from the penalty of every sin - past, present, and future. Nothing can now separate us from the love of Christ!

    I'll be praying for you.

    You wrote a Psalm of Desparation. I encourage you to read the ones that God wrote for your consolation.. Psalms 42 and 43 are a good place to start.

    Love you very, very much! Grandma

    1. Thank you so much grandma! Those are encouraging words.

      Just to clarify... I do understand that life as a Christian is not always full of joy and ecstasy. Those words about being full were a reference to feeling that I cannot do that at full capacity right now. Sometimes I feel not myself and it will not be feeling down or sad but just not at full capacity.

      Actually Psalms 42 and 43 is where God lead me. I will continue reading them. Thank you again and I love you very much!

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