
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Drenched in Your Love.

Oh, how I've missed you, Lord!

The thought that you are proud of me still seems foreign,
But I await the day with eager expectation that this comforting truth begins to seep in...
Let Your uncontrollable love wash over me.

I know this is what You have waited for,
The explosion of a million passions inside my heart.
I was meant for more,
More than comfortable living,
More than just getting by.
You created me with purpose,
With care,
With passion.
In a process of intricate and thoughtful invention
You knit me together in my mother's womb.

This very breath that I take,
Everything that I have comes from You,
Flows through me in a loving exchange,
I owe it all to You.

Your love
Is more than enough...
More than the endless stretch of the emerald sea.

I just want to thank you for a freedom from the cares of this world. I thank you for Your comfort, for revealing things to me in Your perfect timing; for continually healing, redeeming, restoring and making me new. You have melted away my fear and insecurities with Your love. I believe that You are perfect love; Lord, in You there is no darkness. You cast out the darkness with Your light and enable me to live with power, love, and sound mind. I love that I am secured in You. Jesus, thank you that You have always protected me from harm. Jesus, You are all I need, forever.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Worth it

Is it true...
Can it be?

You bled and died so that
I could be completely free.
Yet, what have I done?
Sat back down and hid everything inside.

You say I'm forgiven.
You call me Yours.
I have become my own worst critic,
I can't see past the faults
Your perfect love,
Stronger than death
Came and dwelt with us,
The only thing that could overcome sin,
Dwelt in flesh,
So that we might receive Your righteousness.
"You are forgiven."

"It is done."
No more tapes replayed inside your head.
No more believing the lies that disguise themselves as truth.
"You are free."
Free to be yourself.
Just the way you were made,
Designed with beauty and delight...
Perfect in the Father's eyes.
Precious one,
Forget the lies,
Forget the worries and cares you hold deep inside.

"Run to me."
Run to me,
Daughter, I have set you free.

"You were worth it all to me."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jesus, You are to me...

Some time, a long time ago, I wrote out an expression of who Jesus was to me:

"How do I describe who and what You are to me?When I think about how truly beautiful You are my heart skips for joy.You are the joy radiating from my smile,the very rays of the sun,Light of the world, You arethat blanket holding me secure,an overwhelming peace,the wind gently brushing my face,Prince of Peace,You arethe constant beat of my heartevery breath that I takethe living water that sustainsLife,You are..." (http://serenadesunderstars.blogspot.com/2011/10/everything-you-are-to-me.html)And now I find myself reevaluating and processing the knowledge I have gained over those years.In a discussion about Jesus, I discovered that I was looking back on at least 19 years of a relationship with Christ and asking, "how do I know He's real?"Sure enough, I found the speaker spilling out my heart in a video. Somewhere across the world, in the crowded city of London, somebody had experienced the same Jesus that I knew.I think it's funny how something that seems so subjective, or that is looked at as subjective, is not as subjective as it seems. There is a real tangible Truth, my God is real... and He touches the lives of so many people everyday. It may be in different ways, for He is an infinite God; yet, He is the same person, through and through. As I look back at the poem, I can say that Jesus is all of that and more to me... He is the anchor that holds me steady,the one who beckons me gently into His presence,the power that tore the veil,He was and is and always will bethe one who wipes my tearswho holds my hearta comfort to the hopeless,He was and is and always will bethe one I can talk to,no matter what the circumstance,the closest friend one could ask for,He was and is and always will be,the only one who can calm the fear that wells up inside of me,He speaks with such authority,Wonderous Sovereign of the SeaHe was and is and always will be.