
Saturday, November 14, 2015


For so long my heart had yearned for the words,
A way to describe this desperation...

And there it was, as soon as I discovered that desire of the Father's heart... I knew.
I knew that was it.
This is what my heart has been screaming!

When I fight for my brother or sister, to restore broken relationships, no matter the dissonance...
When I shed a tear for the child across the globe who is wondering when he will live a normal life...
Whenever I share my meal, knowing that another meal will be needed in a few hours (another "hand out")...
When I smile, eyes closed as I worship my Jesus with my brothers and sisters surrounding me...
Now I know why.

I know why my heart pounds.
I know why things seem lacking at times.
I know why broken relationships trouble me.

Cause we were never meant for something less.

Now I pray...
Lord, help me.
You have given me a heart for justice;
A boldness to stand apart,
To be different,
To be a voice.

Help me
To be patient,
To be strong,
To be longsuffering.

My life...
"Such a tiny offering,
Compared to Calvary.
I lay it at Your feet."

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