
Saturday, December 27, 2014

In the watches of the night

"My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy." (Psalm 63:5-7 ESV)

It's one of those nights when I had coffee too late...
But I am reveling in this time with my Father.

Tonight, I took things to him in a way that I haven't in a while. I trusted my Jesus, recognized that He was the only one who could help me in this and He showed up. For the first time in a while I heard Him delight in me, with clarity. I heard and felt His great love for me.

Tears of joy couldn't be stopped from streaming down my face as I listened to songs of praise and meditated on the works He has done. I couldn't help but smile as His joy radiated from my heart. The salt of tears was not an unfamiliar taste at this time but instead of a cool sting they left warm trails on my face. I was finally back to my Father's beckoning arms.

Friday, December 26, 2014


I have heaped failure into an immeasurable wall... And I thought it was impenetrable. The only thing that could keep me from You is... myself. Even that was hard. Condemnation and lies beckon, my mind would start to sway; but You always call me back again.

I see a girl who messes up, You see Your daughter who does everything she can to please You. I see someone who couldn't possibly lead, You see a broken vessel, ready to fill. I see a girl full of imperfection, You see the one You love in every way.

Jesus, tear down "these walls I built between You and me". They are nothing but walls and You, the Creator of my heart. You wove me and have known me from the very start.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

I made an exception.

Sometimes gaining trust involves healing... And finding someone who will stick with you through the healing process is something special.

I know that God sends people your way to help you through life and teach you things, so that you may walk through life with them. I just feel infinitely blessed.

I cry thinking about how fortunate I am and how one of my friends was mistreated. I don't know why I am so fortunate and blessed but I want to "not be blind with privelege" and have "eyes to see the pain". I want to help those who are hurting and need hope.

Going through this process of allowing someone to gain my trust and healing has been hard. I feel like at times I will be let go of or tossed aside if I do something wrong. Then I remember God's love for me and I know that this guy is not looking for my slip ups. I am thankful for the way that he cares, even in subtle ways.

He makes me smile.