
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Come like you promised.

Just as it is easy to spill forth praise when times are easy or things are feeling good, I find it easy to write when I am inspired or when I have a burst of good feelings.

This... writing this... is not easy.

Don't get me wrong, life is not terrible right now. It is just hard.

I remember talking with someone about how when you get to a point of breakthrough, the devil will try to hit you with something new. I think that corresponds with new seasons in life. 

I feel like I'm in a completely different place than I was, even a year ago. I'm not quite sure where, but I'm not there. 

I have reached the point where I realized that I absolutely need God, which is great; but the pain that it took to get there is not. Well, I guess that is what pain is for... to remember the feeling attached to that decision that was made, so that when it comes time to make that decision again it doesn't happen.

I was talking with someone else about how gracious God is. I feel like I don't deserve a thing, but He lavishes His love upon me. He blesses me when I don't treat Him as I should. 

I have not been spending time with Him as I should and, when I'm not looking at His grace, I count the times that I have spent with Him verses the times that I haven't. Yet, in light of His grace, I see that I have been keeping Him in my heart. It's just hard to remember that sometimes. We are our own worst critics. 

"There is, therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus..."

Remember this, O, my soul.

And I write this because I know that I will look back and see how far God has brought me. I also write this, hoping somewhere someone can relate. I know that it is not much, but I feel that being real and genuine in this walk with Christ helps the world to see that we are not some super humans, but that it is by Christ alone that I live and have strength.

"I may be weak, but Your Spirit is strong in me."

I am very weak, but I have His glorious Spirit living in me. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, lives in me. THAT, that truth alone is mind-blowing. If only I walked around believing that, and really taking hold of that truth at all times.

Lord, be with me, reminding me of Your truth. Let Your Words not depart from my mouth. Let me be strong because You are with me. 

Ahora, quiero estar en tu presencia. Ven SeƱor, ven como dijiste. Tu presencia vida me da.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

To love and be loved by You...

I sit and I think
About my life and the weight of it all,
But when I read about Your love
Everything changes.

To know that I am loved,
That I have been loved
By a Creator
Who looks not at my past,
But who I am,
Who He created beautifully
And that He calls me precious,
He actually sees me for me
His love astounds me!

Then I think about how His grace,
Looked at me before time
And said,
" I love her,
I will go to any length for her."
I remember that you said you loved me
While I was still a sinner.

Your promise I cling to:
Nothing could ever separate me from Your love.
And nothing ever will...
Whether I succeed, on my terms,
Or fail,
Whether I keep it together.
Or fall apart...
You will still love me.

And because You first loved us,
I will love outrageously!
Because You said You'd never leave
I will trust that, with You,
I can do anything.

I will stand on judgement day boldly,
Because You love me,
Because of the confidence that I am loved
And as Your Word assures me that,
I can now face anything.

Let Your perfect love reign in my heart.